I have managed to get OpenXTalk 1.963.1rc4 Don't Panic edition working after applying the patches that are published elsewhere on this site and I have managed to load and save a standalone one of my more complex applications that displays PDF files and all appears to be working once I changed the IDE back to lighter colours. So thats all good.
Now I have turned my attention to Lite version 1.07.
The first issue is that I'm asked by the Read this first Application to enable "load apps from anywhere" in the privacy pane. Unfortunately Apple in their infinite wisdom have removed this option from System Settings in Sonoma so I guess that I will have to use a Terminal Command.
A Google search suggests that one of these two commands should be used :
sudo spctl --master-disable
or if that fails
I'm no expert on Apple Security so seek advice - should I use either of these commands and once Lite is installed will it continue to run if I enable the security feature (-enable?) ?sudo spctl --global-disable
best wishes