Cross-platform speech synthesis

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Cross-platform speech synthesis

Post by tperry2x »

You can mainly use revSpeak on MacOs and Windows, so this stack does just that. It's little more than a demo of what's already included in the IDE, as far as MacOS and Windows are concerned.

Where it's useful though, is if you want to do speech synthesis on Linux.
(download link 9.8MB appimage)
screenshot.png (19.67 KiB) Viewed 426 times
Why bother? I'm just trying to give a comparable set of features across MacOS, Windows and Linux.

So far we have:
Video working on all 3,
Sound working on all 3,
and now Speech synthesis working on all 3.

(* when I mention 'all 3', I mean Linux, Windows and MacOS.)
The point of this is so one platform isn't disadvantaged heavily over the other.
The only thing I'm really missing now is browser-widget-support for Linux.
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