Richmond's Winter Project

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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

Naughty Richmond has been editing a Wikipedia article:
Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 17.39.29.jpg
Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 17.39.29.jpg (370.39 KiB) Viewed 8640 times
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by tperry2x »

Go for it I say.
Every time I've tried to submit a new article to Wikipedia, they've come back with some BS reason (and I don't mean 'British Standard') as to why that won't be accepted.

So I've instead 'edited by stealth' a bit like this. They've done it to themselves by making their submission system unnecessarily complex and tied up in red tape.
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

Oddly enough, after they shafted me up the chuff re my attempt at an OXT page, this has gone unremarked on.

I am expecting some 'prawn' to zap it after the weekend.
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

And, frankly, I could not give 'a tinker's cuss' about "academic respectability", as, having worked in 5 Universities in 5 very different countries, I have a fairly low opinion of what really goes on in those places.

If people want to use my software: jolly good.

If they don't: not my problem. 8-)
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

Let's take a break and listen to the Lovely Bruno de Sá:
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

And, over in the Ethiopian community: ... text-entry
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

It was obviously time to have a text-reference palette so photos of handwritten texts could be conveniently viewed for digitisation:
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 18.37.43.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 18.37.43.jpg (408.75 KiB) Viewed 6818 times
ANd in case you're wondering, that means 'Good Morning'.

/milikami idili/
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

More of this over the coming weeks . . . so if it interests you keep checking back, and why not drop a comment, a question, or a suggestion?
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »

Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 12.44.02.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 12.44.02.jpg (46.71 KiB) Viewed 6776 times
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 12.43.46.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 12.43.46.jpg (55.95 KiB) Viewed 6776 times
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 12.44.20.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 12.44.20.jpg (119.69 KiB) Viewed 6776 times
The RESIZE buttons are moved to the TOP of the palette when the ZOOM button is clicked as the reference palette may extend beyond the bottom of the user's screen.

Script of "ZOOM":

Code: Select all

on mouseUp
   set the lockScreen to true
   if fld "POT" contains "S" then
      put the width of img "XYZ" into WIDD
      put the height of img "XYZ" into HITE
      set the width of img "XYZ" to (WIDD * 2)
      set the height of img "XYZ" to (HITE * 2)
      set the width of stack "VIEWER" to ((WIDD * 2) + 40)
      set the height of stack "VIEWER" to ((HITE * 2) + 120)
      set the left of img "XYZ" to 20
      set the top of img "XYZ" to 60
      put "N" into fld "POT"
      --set the vis of me to false
      set the right of img "KLOZ" to ((WIDD * 2) + 38)
      set the right of img "ZOOM" to ((WIDD * 2) + 38)
      set the right of img "NORMAL" to ((the left of img "ZOOM") - 4)
      set the right of img "SHRINK" to ((the left of img "NORMAL") - 4)
      set the bottom of img "ZOOM" to ((HITE * 2) + 118)
      set the bottom of img "NORMAL" to ((HITE * 2) + 118)
      set the bottom of img "SHRINK" to ((HITE * 2) + 118)
   end if
   if fld "POT" contains "N" then
      put the width of img "XYZ" into WIDD
      put the height of img "XYZ" into HITE
      set the width of img "XYZ" to (WIDD * 2)
      set the height of img "XYZ" to (HITE * 2)
      set the width of stack "VIEWER" to ((WIDD * 2) + 40)
      set the height of stack "VIEWER" to ((HITE * 2) + 120)
      set the left of img "XYZ" to 20
      set the top of img "XYZ" to 60
      put "Z" into fld "POT"
      set the right of img "KLOZ" to ((WIDD * 2) + 38)
      set the left of img "SHRINK" to ((the right of img "IRI") + 4)
      set the left of img "NORMAL" to ((the right of img "SHRINK") + 4)
      set the left of img "ZOOM" to ((the right of img "NORMAL") + 4)
      set the top of img "ZOOM" to 2
      set the top of img "NORMAL" to 2
      set the top of img "SHRINK" to 2
   end if
   set the width of img "BAKK" to the width of stack "VIEWER"
   set the height of img "BAKK" to the height of stack "VIEWER"
   set the left of img "BAKK" to 0
   set the top of img "BAKK" to 0
   set the left of stack "VIEWER" to the left of stack "Sheba"
   set the top of stack "VIEWER" to the bottom of stack "Sheba"
   set the lockScreen to false
end mouseUp
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Re: Richmond's Winter Project

Post by richmond62 »


Code: Select all

on mouseUp
   palette "VIEWER"
   if exists(img "XYZ") then
      delete img "XYZ"
   end if
   answer file "Select image:"
   if the result is cancel then
      set the vis of img "ZOOM" to false
      set the vis of img "NORMAL" to false
      set the vis of img "SHRINK" to false
      set the vis of img "ZOOM" to true
      set the vis of img "NORMAL" to true
      set the vis of img "SHRINK" to true
      set the top of stack "Sheba" to 100
      set the lockscreen to true
      import paint from file it
      set the top of stack "Sheba" to 100
      set the name of the last control to "XYZ"
      set the width of stack "VIEWER" to ((the width of img "XYZ") + 80)
      set the height of stack "VIEWER" to ((the height of img "XYZ") + 120)
      set the left of img "XYZ" to 40
      set the top of img "XYZ" to 80
      set the top of img "KLOZ" to 2
      put the width of stack "VIEWER" into WIDD
      set the right of img "KLOZ" to (WIDD - 2)
      set the width of img "BAKK" to the width of stack "VIEWER"
      set the height of img "BAKK" to the height of stack "VIEWER"
      set the left of img "BAKK" to 0
      set the top of img "BAKK" to 0
      set the top of stack "VIEWER" to the bottom of stack "Sheba"
      set the left of stack "VIEWER" to the left of stack "Sheba"
      put "N" into fld "POT"
      set the right of img "ZOOM" to ((the width of img "XYZ") + 78)
      set the right of img "NORMAL" to ((the left of img "ZOOM") - 4)
      set the right of img "SHRINK" to ((the left of img "NORMAL") - 4)
      set the bottom of img "ZOOM" to ((the height of img "XYZ") + 118)
      set the bottom of img "NORMAL" to ((the height of img "XYZ") + 118)
      set the bottom of img "SHRINK" to ((the height of img "XYZ") + 118)
      put "N" into fld "POT"
   end if
end mouseUp
The stack is here: ... 3g3iu&dl=0

(16 MB download)
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