They started to, until they encountered the first Jalapeño.

Anyway, they have their own.
(Who puts pineapple on a pizza!)
Here's the results of my Sonoma foray:

- 01-unpatched-built on linux.png (164.6 KiB) Viewed 1811 times
The unpatched version, which I created on Linux - runs on Sonoma. Yay!
It asks for permissions to record the screen and audio (weird) when I'm not actually doing anything with the screen or audio...
If I'd not created the stack in the first place, I might start to wonder why I'm being asked for that and what exactly this app is doing?... but anyway, I continue as I know I didn't add any screen capture script.
I grant it anyway, as it appears in the security settings - don't know why it needs this:

- 02-permissions-after.png (46.85 KiB) Viewed 1811 times
(I'm wondering if it's something with drawing that transparent section of the menubar in the stack???)
However, and this next part is unfortunately expected, but it got further than I thought it would. I clicked the "mac menubar" button which applies the in-stack menu in place on MacOS... waited for the crash. That didn't happen.

- 03-applied-menu-unpatched.png (57.77 KiB) Viewed 1811 times
Not until I clicked either the menu, or clicked the desktop so it wasn't the frontmost application:

- 04-quitout.png (71.02 KiB) Viewed 1811 times
The patched version (using the code that Tom supplied), and this standalone was actually created back on OSX 10.9 Mavericks(!) works fine. This has Tom's menu patch code, and includes the menubar just fine.

- 05-sonoma-pre-patched-from-10-9.png (131.71 KiB) Viewed 1811 times
I will try and build a dialog into the Mac standalone settings to include the option of patching this for Sonoma+, although I want it to be more streamlined than in the beta tests I did (back in OXT Lite v1.08).
I may as well
attempt to include all
the plist strings as needed too... note, the word "attempt" as I still don't know how.
I mean - full credit still goes to Tom for this. I have my issues around possible missing images with the patched standalones though - and as Paul has said, preloading the images seems to fix it, but that needs a section in the standalone builder with a little warning triangle on.
As promised,
link to all my test stack and these experiments.