liceCap for GIFs

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liceCap for GIFs

Post by xAction »

Make Gifs for presentations that pop.
Use ScaleFactor to shrink your stack to GIF-able sizes.

Here's liceCap for Mac and Windows:
One of many free solutions to your GIF making career.

Can we make a GIF maker? Would be cool to control the whole operation from within the script instead of:
  1. Click button in GIF maker software
  2. Click something in the stack at the very moment it will leave a good impression
  3. ...oops, missed, try again.
  4. what? 2% of some other window is in the GIF, damnit
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Re: liceCap for GIFs

Post by tperry2x »

That would be brilliant.
I'd like to have a stack / library that could make animated gifs inside OXT. I find Pixelorama to be a really good option at the moment (without having to resort to full-on photoshop).
Screenshot-pixelorama.gif (35.61 KiB) Viewed 837 times
I particularly like how you can set a frame rate, but also export as spritesheets from an animation.

I'm probably asking a lot for a built-in-OXT solution, but it would be great to be able to control the delay on each frame individually, tweak the colour palette of each frame, transparency support, optimisation (frame disposal for pixels that don't visually change between frames) and the ability to reorder frames and reopen any other gif and do all the above to it....

Yes. Now I think about it, it is asking a lot.
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Re: liceCap for GIFs

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

You guys know that I've been working on a GIF editing library for about for the last two weeks right?

I've been posting about it in the workshop forum.
It uses nothing but xTalk script with lots of binaryDecode/Encode, baseConvert, byteToNum/numToByte.

So where I'm at on that is this:
1 Handler that can scan/parse every chunk in a GIF file (even if it doesn't recognize a chunk, such as those added by ImageMagick and others), can optionally spit out a labeled log of the parsing, and then returns an multi-dimensional Associative Array with all of the parts of the GIF as separate elements.
What I'm working on now is the inverse Handler that reassembles from at the GIFArray back into GIF file data. That part I hope to finish tonight. Once reassembly is working, then it can be expanded into a library for doing different things to and with the GIF data.
We'll be able to edit all of the parameters of the GIF that the IDE currently can not, such as the frameDelay Time for each frame, change color tables, change transparency color index, embed comments and other data, etc.
I have a folder full of GIFs with various parameters that I'm testing /verifying it against.

What it does NOT do is decode any of the LZW encoded imageData of the image frames, our xTalk Engine already has GIFLib built-in for that.

I just wanted to change the frameDelay times without rebuilding the GIF File in an external editor every time, but it turned into building a handler that reads almost the entire GIF format.

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Re: liceCap for GIFs

Post by xAction »

Yep that thread was right over there on the top of the right side of my head when I was writing that.
Good luck getting that done tonight.

Lol that big ask up top,
"I want it all!"

If we could just export from rect to Gif that'd be a big step in the right direction.
I can't believe I'm saying that, been so anti-gif for so long, but these last few weeks have made me change my mind.
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