I had a large amount of "fun" a few years back trying to build a version of LC to run on PPC Linux.The difference being it can be hard to replace a PPC / non EFI mac's system with anything else than Mac OS X
Quite apart from tons of other problems, the version of PPC Linux I was running on my G4 Mac Mini made the machine run at about 10% of the spped it ran at with MacOS 10.4.
I have also run Linux on 2 INTEL Macs "just because it was there"; so it is possible, although why you would bother to go to the rouble of buying an old Mac for that, when you can have an old PC for less, escapes me completelt.
Oh, wait a minute, Ivan (a ever-so-slightly-non-standard yoof I had in my ESL school until I kicked him out) said, "That (2009) iMac looks better than my Dad's new machine running Windows 8 at home."
So . . .
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No, No, No, a hundred times 'No': stick with a PC if you are going to run Linux.
(Quite apart from the absolutely vomit-making thought of finding one is Johnny Depp's lookalike.)
Personally, given the choice between being Johnny Depp's lookalike or Paris Hilton's lookalike, I'd go for the Warthog lookalike.
And while this may have been called 'Yellow Dog' all I got was a distinctly Johnsonian Black Dog very quickly indeed:
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The ONLY reasons I can see anyone installing Linux on Macs are:
1. The are extremely bloody-minded like me.
This: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions ... ?rdt=50777
really answers itself:
"The obscenity of this situation is so grotesque and wasteful I feel governments should FORCE Apple to change in multiple ways"
Obviously some socialist advocating government interference: not something I agree with: I, being a right-wing sort of person politically, agree with Karl Marx (get that!) who wrote about "the waning away fo the state" (which, of course it didn't in communist regimes).
Don't 'force Apple' anything: just go out and buy a PC: eventually if enough people eschew Apple hardware no government interference will be needed at all: the good, old, capitalistic forces will kick Apple right where it matters.
2. They are not prepared to go and do a day's work picking potatoes/shearing sheep/stacking supermarket shelves/selling their body down the docks/whatever for the price of an el-cheapo new-fer-you PC.
Belive me when I say that the sore back from picking potatoes is most unpleasant, but will go away more quickly than the fun-and-games messing around with Linux on a Mac.