emphasis is mine.I think LC does a disservice to new users by not displaying menumode in the property inspector. It does exist, but LC has set up all the "different" buttons in the tool palette which already have their menumode set.
LC actually has only one button object and one field object. The different variations you see in the palette are just using different properties. If you want to change the menumode of a button you can still do it from the message box. The same is true for any other properties that aren't in the inspector.
Although I do not entirely understand that as we have this:
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BUT there is NOT a drop-down menu to rapidly transmogrify one type of field into another type, and I do feel one would be a great addition.
That short thread is quite a mine in some ways as it also mentions this:
The last technique refers to the "Replicate" command which does not appear in my Indy 9.5.1 edition of LiveCode.
I wonder if it is possible to restore replicate in OXT?'Replicate' was last seen in vers. 7.x under the 'Edit' menu, however, much like it sounds, it just means to make copies of whatever object your replicating. I really don't know why it was removed, I love using it for certain things