Windows 10+ Darkmode

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Windows 10+ Darkmode

Post by OpenXTalkPaul »

So it seems Microsoft still hasn't documented (nor completed) the "Darkmode" in Win32 API, and may never.
But it seems a few people did some disassembling and worked out the calls needed (which depends on Win10 build):
I'm thinking these could be made into an Builder extension: ... e-stub.cpp ... rkmode.cpp

Wow MS is a PIA! On macOS it's a single call to a method in the App object to make the entire app go dark or light instantly!

Of course custom controls, which our IDE uses a lot of, may still need to be edited to look appropriate for the theme regardless if its Mac, Win or Lin. TIP: We do have property inheritance, so you may be able to set fore/backColor on a Group to effect a bunch of controls (such has been the case editing "Resource Center").
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